Tel: USA +1.510.402.1745  Canada +1.250.964.9220    .  

 VSI     About US


Vagary Solutions International Inc. Was formed from the amalgamation of the 3 companies, 1st Lighten The Load Inc., CI Corporate Instincts Inc. And Stonepath Power Systems Ltd. Along with the technology rights to the Texan company called LTL IP Inc.. Primarily VSI’s expertise is in Applied Physics and focuses on the application of existing technology in innovative ways to create new cost effective solutions to old problems.

It has over 35 years of experience in renewable energy, energy efficiency, low cost industrial process, oil & gas exploration, advanced electronics, etc. It has developed a portfolio of innovate next generation technology in significantly lower cost industrial processes for waste water treatment and drying applications. It has further technology in the areas of electrical energy storage, safe application of electrical energy storage, grid stabilization and renewable energy generation.

Its goal is to remain primarily a R&D based company that forms Joint Ventures with companies interested in manufacturing products based on its technology.  


VSI main strength is in its ability to find common sense solutions to problems in many industries. These solutions provide larger profits by decreasing operating costs. These solutions become “obvious when recognized” through the application of technology used to solve related problems in unrelated industries. For this reason these obvious solutions involve applied engineering with minimal R&D. Samples or implementation  of these new technologies can be made within 3 to 18 months depending on which technology is needed with small scale volume manufacturing following as soon as 6 months later.

However, it only logical, in order to make a technology financially viable; especially if it is seen as “obvious”; there remains a large number of critical trade secrets and process parameters that have to be well understood and controlled. VSI’s technical experts have extremely diverse backgrounds and are highly skilled in the identification of critical manufacturing processes. Finally at best a patent will protect or disclose at most 5% to 10% of the critical technical secrets and can never be considered as all you need to know to make a technology work!